Aqua menswear
Aqua is a well known brand of womenswear and its store in Carnaby Street is a must stop for the fashion forward person that appreciates this look always new and bold. So why leave the boys out? Now it is possible to share this great look with the man in our lives because in Beak Street Aqua menswear has become a reality. The shop is amazing, minimalist look, grey and mirrors everywhere with touches of colours in a sleek couch and the palette of the first collection. And here is the novelty, the collections are called "Volumes" having now in store "Volume 1 Introducing the Future" where fashion and photography are brought together. The first volume features styling by Kimi O’Neil, photography by Thomas Knights and film by Konstantinos Menelaou. The prices are excellent given the high quality involved, with prices starting at £ 35 for a T Shirt and ending with trousers and jackets between £ 100 and £185.