Danilo Gabrielli in London
I've received an invitation from the great girls at Katch PR to see the latest collection by Danilo Gabrielli, an Italian designer based in New York and ready to be introduced in London. The launch has been organised at N.5 Cavendish Square in one of its ballrooms on the first floor. Danilo Gabrielli comes from Tuscany, he was born in a beautiful village on the sea which I know very well. Who knows we might have even met while having an ice cream or just during the famous Mid August Regatta.
But let's concentrate on Danilo's collection, which I've found beautiful, sophisticated and very wearable. All the fabrics are of the highest quality, the 1940s style could have been worn by the likes of Katharine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall and the other big stars in Hollywood. Pussy bow blouses, pencil skirts, evening dresses, all had a touch of glamour from that bygone era. A beautiful coat caught my eye, grey with sequins.
It will be possible to buy online soon from the website www.danilogabrielli.com and I'm sure that stockist will queue up to have his range in the major London 's stores.
Amanda Rudin from fashion TV and blogger Dani wearing Danilo Gabrielli while testing the red carpet for the catwalk. Amanda's dress was made with Swiss lace called " SanGallo"
But let's concentrate on Danilo's collection, which I've found beautiful, sophisticated and very wearable. All the fabrics are of the highest quality, the 1940s style could have been worn by the likes of Katharine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall and the other big stars in Hollywood. Pussy bow blouses, pencil skirts, evening dresses, all had a touch of glamour from that bygone era. A beautiful coat caught my eye, grey with sequins.
It will be possible to buy online soon from the website www.danilogabrielli.com and I'm sure that stockist will queue up to have his range in the major London 's stores.